303: Discussion Forum - To Outsource or Not, That is the Question
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 5, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Rick Caminiti Shawn Lee

The question of whether to outsource technical analytics work to a third party, or not, is a material question for analytics leaders at utilities. Third parties can scale up or down with workload and take over managing overhead. Third parties might also have expertise on hand that the utility does not. On the flip side, engaging third parties for analytics projects can be more costly on an hourly basis, hinder internal technical growth, result in a long-term dependence on third party support and potentially negatively impact utility analytics team morale.

Location Name
Julia Lee
Full Address
Kansas City Marriott Downtown
200 W 12th St
Kansas City, MO 64105
United States
Focus Area
Enterprise Analytics, People & Culture
Session Category
Panel Discussion